Troop_2 Michigan

Chief Okemos
Visit our chartering organization
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Use this form to calculate times for
advancements for the next Court of Honor.

2008/03/18 Tuesday Last day for Boards of Review, MB turn in
2008/03/20 Thursday Process Awards paperwork
2008/03/25 Tuesday Gather Signatures
2008/03/27 Thursday Pick up awards
2008/04/01 Tuesday Court of Honor

Keep in mind that a Board of Review must comprise a minimum of 3 registered adults (not related to the Scout being reviewed) in our Troop.
Board of Review times are as follows:
15-20 minutes Tenderfoot
15-20 minutes Second Class
20 minutes First Class
20 minutes Star
20-30 minutes Life
30-50 minutes Eagle
That means we can hold 3-4 Boards of Review during a Troop Meeting.

Chartered years ago East Lansing's Troop 2 is
one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in the country.