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Cub Scouts

A Cub Scout Pack graduates
youth into a Scouts BSA Troop.

Cub Scout Orginization

Scouts grades 1 through 5 participate in a "Cub Scout Pack". A Cub Scout Pack is organized a little differently than a Scouts BSA Troop.

A Troop is scout run with oversight from Adults. A Pack is completely parent run.

Cubs of the same age are organized into "Dens" of 5 to 8 cubs. Each Den must have at least one registered adult leader (also there must always be at least 2 adults at any gathering).

Collectivly the Dens are called a Pack.

The Pack is overseen by the Comittee just like a Troop.

Cub Scout Advancement

The first badge a cub must earn in a Pack is Bobcat. Bobcat covers things like personal safety and the sayings, handshake & Scout Sign in Cub Scouts.

Each Den then works from an age appropriate Handbook to earn that age groups Badge.

  • Tiger - 1st Grade
  • Wolf - 2nd Grade
  • Bear - 3rd Grade
  • Webelos - 4th Grade
  • Webelos II - 5th Grade

Webelos is a transition period from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA Troops. The 5th Grade Webelos II's "Cross Over" to a Scouts BSA Troop sometime during the latter half of the school year (February - April).

Youth from multiple Cub Scout Packs frequently "Cross Over" into Troop 2.

Chartered years ago East Lansing's Troop 2 is
one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in the country.