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Troop 2 Eagle Information

Troop 2 Eagle

Troop 2's Eagle Scouts

Be sure to follow everything on the Chief Okemos District Advancement pages

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project

  • The documents you should need for your Eagle can be found on the Troop 2 Eagle Document List page.
  • Suggestion: Keep everyting in a binder so it looks nice and nothing gets lost.
  • Once you have completed your documentation, submit it at the next Troop Committee Meeting for approval.
  • Once you have Committe approval for your project proposal, get 4 signatures and turn it in to District for final approval.

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

  • Once the Eagle Board of Review is completed, Council will process the paperwork and provide an Eagle package for the Troop to pick up. This may take up to 8 weeks.
  • The Eagle Court of Honor can begin to be planned by the Family and a checklist can be found in Eagle Court of Honor document.
  • The Troop is more than willing to support the family in whatever way they can in the planning. Consider double checking the date of the Court of Honor with the Committee for Troop conflicts.

Other Eagle Resources

Chartered years ago East Lansing's Troop 2 is
one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in the country.